
An Author's Reality

The Unwritten Pages (A short, faith based autobiography written by Shekinah R. Smith meant to encourage people of all ages as she details the ups and down of her life - depression, suicide attempts, love and heartbreak, and self-discovery - looking to guide people to a healthier and happier future and trust in Christ)   Let's talk a little bit on my experience in the trials of authorhood: Writing is more than just something I do - it's something I LOVE. I've been a writer ever since I was a kid, and it (along with just reading) was one of the few things in my life that not only served as a distraction for a lot of the turmoil I was experiencing mentally, emotionally, and physically, but also as a map to where it was that I wanted to go and who it was that I wanted to be. I think, at some point, it's like that for all authors. In spite of the deadlines, writer's block, and downright lack of support, we do it because it's one of the rare things that we know we can

An Aria of Self-Reflection:

Being a Writer vs. Being an Author (FOR ME) ______________________________________________________________________ For as long as I can remember, I've always been a writer - it's been one of the few things in my life that not only kept me emotionally grounded, but provided me with a legitimate sense of peace and purpose. It just made sense to me in a world that generally didn't. Putting words on paper came unbelievably easy, and not surprisingly it was even easier to get lost in those words. Apart from writing, reading was another easy and necessary escape (I was a bibliophile before even knowing what a bibliophile was), and it became clear to me as I got older that literature was a staple of the girl I was, and ultimately a driving force for the woman I wanted to be. The Arts have always been my passion: from music to art, to literature, and naturally theater, I was a child born into a world that existed solely on and for creativity. Combine that with my growing passion fo

Welcome to the Aria!

 Hello & For quite some time now I've contemplated the thought of starting a blog that focuses on the trials, triumphs, and general shenanigans surrounding my personal experience in balancing life with being (or attempting to be) an author (self-published, in this case). I've endured quite a bit throughout my life, but found that pursuing one of my dreams of becoming an author brought its own sense of accomplishment, but also weariness, that I wasn't entirely expecting to confront. I believe a lot of times when aspiring writers contemplate becoming a "published authors", there's a certain level fantasy that ends up blinding us to the reality of the hardships that we face down the road of this dream (most of which are self-inflicted/experienced). There are literally moments where despite our skills - or confidence in them - we will find ourselves doubting our abilities and whether or not they are actually good enough to garner attention and recognition.  Th